All citizens should be involved in designing the laws that protects us and our environment according to the Rights of Nature

The natural world should not be exploited and mistreated, but cherished and respected instead

Join our Future Designing Group to develop a sustainable mission to save the planet for future generations.

181 Nations / 17 Goals

Taking responsibility for the planet's health within the private and public sectors, as well as the entire society

Building infrastructure that provides citizens with physical safety, clean sanitation, waste disposal, clean air, renewable energy and digital connectivity

The design of products and services should be carefully considered, as it will contribute to the protection of our planet, our wildlife, and our humanity, to foster resilience and sustainability at city scale, diversity is essential

Embark on a journey of volunteerism and find your purpose

Incorporate Bio-Ethics Innovation guidelines with the use of secure digital technology by cities to measure and manage activities throughout their systems

Providing society with a powerful way to monitor sustainable development and activities.

Become involved in eradicating anthropogenic emissions and focusing on anthropogenic removals.

Work Plan

Road Map

Be Responsible

Decide what mission to pursue

 The IPCC has estimated that $1.6 trillion to $3.8 trillion will
be needed each year through 2050 for the world to transition to a
low-carbon future and avoid warming exceeding 1.5°C.

Wild Life




Clean Water



1200 +

Species to Protect

1200 Billion

Forest Ha to Recover

0 Million+

Members Worldwide

$ 1200 Trillion

Funds Needed

What We Need

According to the latest IPCC report, “The scientific evidence is unequivocal: climate change is a threat to human well-being and
the health of the planet. Any further delay in concerted global action will miss a brief and rapidly closing window to secure a
livable future.”


The risk of species extinction continues to rise

The butterfly effect

Must be the purpose of every person living on earth

There is a need to change our attitude and our indifference towards the way we continue to do things and expect the problem to solve itself